Your March 1 Weekend Lift

Ease into the weekend with good vibes and short reads. Your brain will thank you!

Your March 1 Weekend Lift
Spring is just around the corner Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

Good Vibes Only: The Best News This Week

Read more - your brain will thank you!

One-minute reads that pack a [coaching] punch

Leadership Profile - Peter Mayne
A highly curious leader, always looking for opportunities to learn something new.
3 ways to boost your self-confidence as a leader
Be a goldfish

Self-confidence blueprint for every leader - Read on.

Stop living on autopilot
Choosing and acting from purpose means being intentional about your life. It means making conscious decisions

Too busy saying yes to others and no to your intentional life? Read on.

24 Hours in Toulouse
My favourite spots in Toulouse.

Just returned from beautiful Toulouse and I have recommends for you. Read on.

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