Your January 26 Weekend Lift

This week, I interviewed by boss, gulp!

Your January 26 Weekend Lift
Photo by Galina N / Unsplash

Good Vibes

This week in the news

Maintaining a long and happy relationship requires a specific skillset. It might not be what you're thinking... Longer read here

Leader Profile

Janet Cook, Senior Director Business Experience at Farm Credit Canada

Janet on her way to play pickle ball on a frosty Sunday morning

By day, Janet Cook is my boss at Farm Credit Canada, and outside of work, a mother of three, lover of friends and family, and fan of being active and playing anything outside.

Janet spent nearly 20 years in HR and marketing, but moved into IT three years ago and admits she is both intimidated by the technical prowess of those she works with, and inspired by the passion and rigour they pour into everything. Her commitment to the teams she leads is to always be curious, remove impediments when needed, and trust in their resourcefulness. 

Janet played basketball for the University of Regina Cougars while completing a business degree, and even though her joints don’t support playing anymore, she coached the technical and mental aspects of the game for years. Janet is a Hudson Institute certified coach, which she  knows has made her a better parents, coach, and leader.  

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

Sunday mornings are all about sports. For years I coached my kids in basketball every Sunday morning, and now play pickleball with family and friends. Fueled by coffee and social connections built on ‘playing’, even summer Sunday mornings at the lake include a walk or a game of something.

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog/Game or book obsession.

Tis’ the season to watch NFL playoffs. I care about no sport until it’s playoff time, but it’s my way of connecting with my son. He’s a sports nut, so I care because he cares.

What’s one piece of advice you’re glad you didn’t follow?

A leader once told me that I needed to stay in roles for a long time to appear loyal. You never know what the view was on the path you didn’t take, but I have really enjoyed the journey I have been on. 

How do you take care of yourself during the weekend?

I play. I am stimulated by social interactions built on fun and games, so I find that however I can. I am golfing more than ever before and loving that.

What are your plans for this winter? Any trips planned?

My oldest is playing basketball in college in Alberta, so we head there to cheer and stock her fridge as much as we can. We are in the ‘weekend trips for kids sports’ phase of life, which I cherish as I know it doesn’t last forever. 

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