Which "easy" decisions are secretly sabotaging your daily life?

Imagine a life where your [small] choices align with your deepest values and desires.

Which "easy" decisions are secretly sabotaging your daily life?
Photo by Happy Lee / Unsplash

Our lives are a sum of countless small choices. From hitting the snooze button in the morning to choosing a salad over fries at lunch, these decisions accumulate over time. Often, we underestimate their impact.

Every time you choose to scroll mindlessly through social media instead of reading a book, you’re shaping your future self.

Auto-pilot mode is comfortable. It’s the path of least resistance. It's booking yourself back-to-back meetings at work, because that's easier than saying no to a meeting you might add no value to.

We default to routines because they require minimal effort. But ease doesn’t always lead to growth. In fact, it often keeps us stagnant.

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
– Thomas Paine

Difficult choices are the ones that stretch us.

They challenge our comfort zones.

Maybe it’s choosing yourself, your needs and your quality of life over wordsmithing an unimportant presentation late on Monday night.

[Do you even need a presentation? I'm sure you can present at an internal meeting without one...]

Imagine a life where your choices align with your deepest values and desires. Imagine choosing your hobbies, your family or yourself over working long hours during the summer months...

Picture waking up each day excited about the path you’re on. That life is within reach, but it requires intentional decisions. Start by noticing the small choices: the book you pick up, the conversation you engage in, the way you spend your evenings. Are they in alignment with who you want to become?

I adapted this post from my friend Stacey's new book: "Your Balanced And Bold Life".