The Weekend Lift

Find out if "possibility thinking" can support your development and good vibes all around.

The Weekend Lift
Photo by Evelina Wong / Unsplash

Good Vibes

Have you hit an impasse in your personal or professional life? Answer these questions to open your mind to what’s possible.
[longer read] Find out what you can do about it.

Short Reads

One-minute reads that pack a [coaching] punch

Live in the Present: 9 Ways to Effectively Do So
You hear these phrases all the time: “Be present,” “Live in the moment,” “The present is life’s best present.” But how do you do you live in the present?

Simple ways to live in the moment (powerful, yet simple tools)

Venting Doesn’t Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Finds
Venting when angry seems sensible.
Move More, Sleep Better, UT Study Finds
AUSTIN, Texas — A new study by an interdisciplinary team of researchers at The University of Texas at Austin provides the most reliable validation to date

Link between exercise and sleep is an eye-opener.

4 Ways You Can Create Time… and still get your [important] work done
Discipline creates freedom — this is the big secret.
a row of yellow stars sitting on top of a blue and pink surface
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