The Importance of Having a Coach

Leaders across the world are increasingly turning to coaches to help them navigate uncertain times.

The Importance of Having a Coach
Photo by Nadir sYzYgY / Unsplash

The pressure to keep businesses afloat and teams motivated can take a toll on even the most experienced leaders. It's no wonder why executives are turning to coaches to help them navigate through the difficulties of this post-pandemic world.

In today's blog post, we'll discuss the importance of having a coach and share some insights from an article written by Joann S. Lublin on how CEOs are relying on their coaches during these trying times.

Coaches Provide an Outside Perspective

When the going gets tough, it's common to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a business. Having a coach can provide a valuable outside perspective. Coaches can help executives find new ways of looking at familiar problems. Often, when working closely with a team, executives can miss opportunities that are right in front of them. Having a coach that is removed from the company's day-to-day operations can help leaders gain new insights that they might miss in the thick of things.

Coaches Help Leaders Manage Themselves

The outbreak of the pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty and has presented leaders with constantly changing challenges. Deadlines to adapt to new economic realities, employee safety concerns, and keeping their teams motivated can be stressful for executives to manage on their own. Coaches can help leaders manage themselves by providing techniques to deal with the stress that comes with the territory of running a business. Coaches can help executives prioritize and map out achievable goals, which can lead to a lighter workload and better planning.

Coaches Help Create a Support System

Being a leader can be a lonely place during difficult times. A coach can help create a support system that leaders can rely on. Coaches can create a safe space that allows executives to vent frustrations, share ideas, and ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking within their company's hierarchy. Having a sounding board outside of the company and its inherent hierarchies can provide much-needed relief and prevent leaders from feeling isolated.

Coaches Bring Accountability

Business leaders are often held accountable for their companies’ successes or failures. Starting from Senior Vice President down to team leads, accountability must be well-maintained throughout the hierarchy of the organization. However, during a crisis, accountability can be even more important. Coaches can help leaders stay accountable to themselves and their teams by tracking progress towards company goals and holding them accountable. This accountability can provide a much-needed sense of structure and stability during challenging times.


Leaders across the world are increasingly turning to coaches to help them navigate uncertain times. Coaches offer outside perspectives, help manage stress and burnout, encourage self-reflection, create support systems, and provide accountability. By working with a coach, leaders can take stock of their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate the effectiveness of their leadership style, and develop ways to improve performance and create a precise roadmap for their organization's future. Investing in a coach is an investment in the continued success of a company.