Leadership Profile - Lisa Plant Ph. D.

Lisa is a force of nature, a team player and an excellent coach with a big heart.

Leadership Profile - Lisa Plant Ph. D.

Lisa Plant grew up on the East Coast of Canada in New Brunswick. She holds a Doctorate in Organizational Psychology from the University of Windsor and has worked in Leadership Assessment and Coaching as a consultant and as an internal practitioner. She is currently the Director of Leadership Insights and Coaching at J.D. Irving.  

Inspired by the idea that one could truly be passionate about the work they do such that work would not feel like work, she pursued a field where she could help others unlock their own passions at work. She gains the most satisfaction out of identifying opportunities for others to seize and knock out of the park.

Others would describe her as a force of nature who brings energy, honesty, and confidence to the table. Naturally gregarious, she enjoys humour and levity in her day-to-day and, as a leader, strives to create an environment where others can do the same.

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

Getting a tiny bit of time to sleep in while my husband takes care of our twin toddlers. Then, going to church where the kids run off to the playroom and I can peacefully sip my coffee, nibble on a muffin, and be inspired by a perfect combination of music, preaching/journalling, and quiet time to myself. 

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog or book obsession.

I’m currently obsessed with autobiographical books on Audible of either famous actors, politicians, or leaders; all of which must have a fascinating background that weaves in interesting cultural, ethnic, and historical realities that I have not experienced myself and therefore can learn from. I’m typically a paperback-only aficionado but I’ve recently discovered that I can get a (what feels like more productive) 10 hours of audiobooks in per-week simply while cleaning after my kids or commuting to work/gym. Game changer.

What's your morning drink of choice?

A London Fog or a Chai Latte bring me joy in the morning if I can find the time to pick one up. A local café I enjoy is Tony’s Boulangerie in Dieppe. The Parisian French music, the various types of printed wallpapers, and the ample access to pastries are a delight.

How do you take care of yourself (or your family) during the weekend?

It’s been a journey to discover what truly feels like a delightful AND restful weekend. As a relatively new parent, it’s been a challenge finding the right balance between getting things done and taking care of myself such that I don’t implode from those things. I’ve learned from my husband who managed to keep it all together during paternity leave while I barely hung on for dear life during maternity leave; I learned to “pay myself first” with my time.

This means before setting off to accomplish a million things, I take time for me, whether it’s sipping a coffee on my porch while reading a novel, stealing away to somewhere quiet for some journalling, or going to a yoga class. I used to feel like I could only get to relax after all my chores were done; but now as a parent the chores are endless and the time to relax is non-existent unless I literally speak it into existence.    

What are your plans for the fall/winter?

In the spirit of self-care and learning to be more present (vs. planful), I would like to continue to rekindle my love of hiking and get a few good ones in to enjoy the fall foliage, fresh air, and good company of whoever I can wrangle to join me. Ideally with ocean views. I also plan to enjoy what my friend and I have called a “quarterly retreat” at an outdoor spa where we both share space, read our books, and breathe in the curated quiet moment in bliss.

Your soundtrack of choice for the weekend?

I’ve Witnessed It” by Melodie Malone & Passion Conferences