Leadership Profile - Stefan Koronyi, CEC

Stefan and I graduated together from Royal Roads University in August 2023. He's one of the most direct and no-nonsense coach you will come across.

Leadership Profile - Stefan Koronyi, CEC

Stefan and his wife delight in the beautiful chaos of raising two young children in Toronto. A life of thrilling adventure filled with the magic of family, tees and greens, culinary artistry, and the cinematic wonders of 007 and galaxies far, far away.

A seasoned change management professional and newly minted executive coach (CEC), Stefan is currently a coach at Bell. He is passionate about facilitating positive change and is committed to helping clients navigate the complexities of transitions. He brings a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and tailored strategic thinking ensuring changes are embraced and leveraged for long-term success. Being witness to individuals realizing their innate aptitude for greatness provides him with a great sense of accomplishment.

When he is with not with his family, you will likely find Stefan on the golf course in pursuit of one day being a scratch golfer. A dream so far eluded.

A connoisseur of food and drink, he relishes experimenting with new recipes, creating gastronomic delights and keeping a very close watch on the food scene for that next hot reservation.

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

I am ritualistic about making coffee so that is always priority number one. While working on that first cup I catch up on news and turn on the golf channel. I would make some French toast and bacon with a second cup of coffee and then off to the golf course.

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog or book obsession.

For every leadership or coaching book I read, I chase it down with a thrilling espionage book.

  • All in on the Echelon Front books – Extreme Ownership and Leadership Strategy and Tactics
  • Quiet Leadership – David Rock
  • The Corporate Athlete- Jack Groppel
  • Fiction - Anything by Jack Carr, Ted Bell, Jack Du Brul, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

TV - Just finished watching The Bear – awesome! Next up is finishing Billions and Jack Ryan. Getting my Star Wars fix through Ahsoka.

What are your thoughts on Pumpkin Spice season?

As someone who drinks his coffee black, the PSL is a bridge too far. My order is a quad Americano, especially early mornings at the cottage in small town Ontario. I am a sucker for a good breakfast sandwich – Carousel Bakery in the St Lawrence Market has a peameal bacon sandwich that will fundamentally change your life. No stranger to a schmear, lox and extra capers at the local What a Bagel. Pro tip – get the pickle in the bag.

How do you take care of yourself (or your family) during the weekend?

The family and I usually find ourselves outside at the local park and splash pad multiple times during a weekend. Saturday night is usually a nice dinner and good wine; I will take my son down to the St. Lawrence Market for inspiration and get all the accoutrements. I consider the kitchen a creative outlet, a place of Zen. Having some good music on, a glass of wine and creating something worthy of a Michelin Star sooths the soul. Oh and if I can get in a round of golf, even better!

What are your plans for the fall/winter?

Professionally, I am getting my DiSC certification in November. Personally, getting in more golf – I love playing late in the season. A weekend trip planned to Taboo in Muskoka and perhaps one other to Forrest Dunes in Michigan.