Give Yourself Permission to be Distracted

You have the power to steer clear of “Failing with Abandon.”

Give Yourself Permission to be Distracted
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes / Unsplash

Hey there! 👋

I’m having a fantastic summer, how about you? I was on my deck this morning and I stumbled upon the term “failing with abandon” while reading Feel Good Productivity by my boy Ali Abdal. I’m sure you’ve been there…

  1. You’re learning Spanish on Duolingo and you miss a day, might as well give up learning Spanish altogether.
  2. You’re meditating and your mind reminds you that you’ve not journaled yet today, abort meditation, self-care is more important… What? No, stick with meditating… you’re terrible at meditating, give up.
  3. Been on YouTube for 5 minutes, your day is going down the drain, might as well keep browsing for 2 hours.

Yup, that’s “Failing with Abandon”

I’m going to attempt a reframe here… what if it’s okay to get distracted.

Yes, you read that right! Life throws curveballs, and sometimes we veer off course. But the real magic lies in giving yourself permission to do so. Instead of beating yourself up, say, “Hey, it’s okay. I got distracted, but now I’m back on track.

Let me be clear - I’ve given up on learning Japanese because I’ve missed a day and lost my streak. I’ve stopped working out because I missed a Wednesday workout, and I’ve almost given up journaling this morning (and most mornings) because I tell myself my life is boring and I have nothing to write about. So, I’m no expert.

 Three Simple Ideas to Get Back on my Horse:

  1. Acknowledge the Detour: When you catch yourself spending too much time on Instagram or missing a language lesson, pause. Take a deep breath. Acknowledge the detour without judgment. It happens to everyone!
  2. Set a Timer: If you find yourself spiralling down the distraction rabbit hole, set a timer. Say, “I’ll spend five more minutes on Instagram, and then I’ll get back to my task.” Stick to it! 
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Did you get back on track? Celebrate! Even if it’s just a tiny step, acknowledge it. You’re not failing; you’re learning and growing.

You’re Not Alone

Life is full of distractions – shiny objects, notifications, and unexpected twists. But you have the power to steer clear of “Failing with Abandon.” So next time you feel like giving up, give yourself permission to be distracted briefly, then hop back on your horse. 🐎 You’ve got this!

P.S. If you see me on Instagram during work hours, remind me to get back to writing, coaching or being an awesome leader! 😄