You Are More Than What Others Think

Take time to discover and explore who you really are.

You Are More Than What Others Think
Take time to discover and explore who you really are. Photo by Matt Howard / Unsplash

I feel like tackling a few self-limiting believes over the next few weeks. This is post five of five and it's inspired by a book I'm reading. When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal by Brianna Wiest

Life is not a zero-sum game
Life is not a flat-course race; it’s a maze. You can’t fall behind!

Post 1 of 5

You Deserve a Life you Love
It’s true - you can’t hate your way to a life you love.

Post 2 of 5

Stop Owning Problems You Didn’t Create
Third article in our series on debunking self-limiting thought patterns
Beauty & Success are Subjective
What if success was living on your own term?

Post 4 of 5

Pressure from External Expectations

Many of us believe that we are defined by what others think of us. This idea shapes our self-image and life choices. Often, we base our success on other people's perspectives, like parents, teachers, or colleagues. They have a certain idea of what a 'successful' person looks like. But this often comes with the pressure of meeting their expectations, which can lead to chasing recognition to please them.

5 Ways to Discover Who You Fundamentally Are

Getting societal approval feels good, but it also raises a question - whose goals are we really fulfilling? True fulfillment doesn't come from external milestones but from pursuing our own passions and values.