5 Questions That Make Small Talk a Breeze

Remember, small talk isn’t about reciting weather forecasts or discussing office politics. It’s a potential start to new connections or deeper friendships.

5 Questions That Make Small Talk a Breeze
How about them Lakers? Not one of my top 5 small talk igniter questions! Photo by Joshua Rodriguez / Unsplash

Small talk doesn’t have to be mundane. In fact, it’s a gateway to deeper connections. By asking open-ended questions, you invite others to share their stories, dreams, and quirks.

These 5 questions are like keys—they unlock deeper connections without the awkward conversations and uncomfortable silence.

What keeps you busy outside work?

Small talk is about showing your interest in the other person. It’s also about inviting the person in with a broad topic. Most of you likely start with the weather or work, but what if you left the topic up to your interlocutor? Answering this question is easy. One could talk about their kids, pets, last trip, upcoming events, etc. Bonus: it lessens the awkwardness because it won’t force a topic, instead offering options that are limitless.

Catch me up on __________

This prompt is particularly effective if you know the person a little. You might have known them in high school, college or from a previous job. By asking them to catch you up on a shared topic, you are showing genuine interest in them and you are also encouraging a bit of storytelling. 

What’s the best TV/book/game you’ve discovered recently?

I work as a leader in IT and at all-staff events, I often meet developers who would rather be left alone but were forced to attend. I often use this question here to get them talking about what they are passionate about. Bonus: I often discover recommendations that are unexpected, like the book and TV series Silo. 

If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop living at, and why?

This last prompt is for social settings. After a few drinks (or spring rolls), you want to have a carefree and Funtime question to move the conversations to uncharted territories. Regardless what the person answers, they are revealing their values, interests and a bit of a glimpse into their interesting mind. You just wait and see where the conversation (and the laughters) will take you.

Remember, small talk isn’t about reciting weather forecasts or discussing office politics. It’s a potential start to new connections or deeper friendships. What are your go-to small talk questions and strategies?